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 (Ratatouille Fanfic´s)

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PostSubject: (Ratatouille Fanfic´s)   (Ratatouille Fanfic´s) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 2:38 pm

A critic´s hard hand

Anton Ego was in his office drinking some wine and writing some new critics. He heard the bell rang and his assistant Ambrister Minion went to open the huge entry door. Outside stood Skinner, wearing his black hat and his brown coat. He held with his left hand Sandy, who was not wearing her cooking clothes but normal children clothes. A blue overall and a shirt with stripes. She smiled brightly. Ambrister bowed and said: " Enter maitre Skinner, Master Ego is waiting for you." He wanted to show the way but the little girl let her father's hand go and ran exited to Ego's office. She reached for the knoob and opened the door. " Uncle! Uncle!" she yelled exited.

Anton smiled brightly as he heard the voice of his niece and turned arround. She was running towards him and he caught her, sitting her on his lap. She snuggled close to him. " Uncle. Me missed you." Ego chuckled and kissed her forehead. " I missed you too little rascal." Behind them came Ambrister and Skinner, who sighed. He had a little bag with him and put it down. " Ah maitre Skinner. Can I offer you some wine before you go again?" Ego offered. Skinner nodded and smiled. " Of course." Anton nodded at Ambrister and turned to Skinner again. " So how long will you be gone?" Skinner replied: " Just tree days. I brought some of her toys and some of her clothes. Even some diapers. She sometimes wets the bed." Sandy pouted: " Nooo. It wasn't me who made pee pee in bed!" Skinner looked stern at her. " Don't tell fibs! I don't want that discussion again!" Anton chuckled. " Well we will see that little one." he ruffled her hair. Ambrister brought the wine and they drank a glass. Skinner then kissed his daughter and said: " I'll be back soon, my little chef. So be good." Skinner left then. He was going to a special cooking competition and he couldn't take Sandy with him, so he brought her to her godfather Anton Ego.

"Ambrister." Anton called. " Go and take Sandy with you. I have to finish some work." sandy whimpered. " I wanna stay here with youu." Anton chuckled. " I know it's just for a few minutes. Now go with Ambrister. He will give you some cookies." Sandy clapped in her hands. " oh yees!" she slipped from her uncle's lap and went with the assistent. Ego chukled. He knew that she loved sweets. Smiling he continued his work.

After half an hour he was done and he stood up. " let's look what the little rascal is up too." he left his office and wanted to go and seek after his assistant and his niece as he heard some childrensinging from upstairs. He went up and saw his little niece singing and drawing on the wall. Anton frowned and went up. " SANDY!" he said. She turned arround. " Um.." she then smiled and pointed at her work. " Nice isn't it? Ambrister gave me colors and me trought about making your house nice." Ego looked stern at the mess on the wall. She tried to draw some animals. He grabbed his niece's hand and pulled her towards his bedroom. "AMBRISTER!" he shouted and after some minutes a trembling, little Abrister looked at his chef. " Yes..master?" "Look at that mess outside! She told me you gave her the color, can't you then look after her?" The little servant nodded. " Ye..yes. I did give her them and she was drawing in the kitchen. I swear! Then I had to look after the laundry and well..I went off." Anton sighed. " Allright. Now go and clean that off, and close the door." Sandy giggled and said: " Ambrister is silly." Ego looked arround and grabbed the hairbrush from his nightdesk. Sandy didn't noticed. She looked arround and pointed outside the window. " Oh look...pigeons!" she smiled. Ego sighed and sat down. " Sandy Marie, you will now listen to me!" She looked at him. " Yees?" " You were a very naughty girl! You know that we don't draw on the walls!" Her smile vanished and she looked down. " Noo...I wasn't naughty. I just play." Ego grabbed her chin. " Look at me when I talk to you! Oh oui, you were naughty and you know what uncle Ego does with naughty little girls." She whimpered and covered her bottom. " Nooon! No 'panky 'panky!" Anton reached for her bottoms of the overall, undid them and it slipped down to her ankles. Now she stood before her uncle in her little duckies panties. " Nooon non! Not me pannies!" she tried to grabb them but Anton held with one hand her hands and with the other he stripped down her panties in one move. He then laid her over his large lap and rolled up his sleeves. Sandy struggeled. " Ah noo!" he grabbed the brush and began WHACK WHACK WHACK. Sandy now noticed and felt that it wasn't her uncle's hand. She looked back and saw the brush. " Waahaaa! No Mr.'pank-'pank!"she tried to struggel off her uncle's lap, but he held her in place. " Struggeling won't help WHACK WHAP WHACK naughty, little cook!" She bawled loud. " Waahaaaa, nooo!" she hit with her little fists against her uncle's thights. WHACK WHACK WHAP WHACK. Her chubb little bottom had red brushprints all over and it was burning. " It's buuurning Waahaaa!" she complained. " That's correct. WHACK WHAP so you will learn WHACK WHACK to obey your uncle and even Monsieur Minion!" Sandy bawled loud and sniffed.

In the corridor Ambrister was cleaning away the mess but he heard his master's scolding and the little one's howling. Even the whacking of the wooden brush. Poor little girl, he trought while cleaning. But on the other hand it was a well earned trip over her uncle's lap.

The spanking was comming to it's end as Anton Ego saw that his niece's bottom was a nice shiney red. Sandy hiccuped and trembeled. " Waahaaaa me sowwy..me sowwy untel!" she excused herself. Ego stopped, laid the brush away and laid his cold hand on his niece's bottom. " Well and what did you learn?" Sandy hiccupped: " No..no drawing walls! Obeying...uncle..and..and..Monsieur Minion! or uncle Anton will take bad mister 'pank-'pank and make me bummy all go ow ow!" Anton had to chuckle. She was sometimes sweet like sugar. He sat her on his lap and kissed and cuddled her. " That's my good girl. Now uncle is forgiving you." She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. " I love you so..so much uncle." she sobbed. Anton smiled and hugged her. " And I love you too my little chef." He dressed her again and continued to rock her until she fell asleep, sucking her thumb.
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PostSubject: Re: (Ratatouille Fanfic´s)   (Ratatouille Fanfic´s) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 3:40 pm

Nice story. I like the word 'Panky panky' too. lol!
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PostSubject: Re: (Ratatouille Fanfic´s)   (Ratatouille Fanfic´s) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 11:05 am

Thankies lol yes I like to invent such words lol. Here another one:

Alfredo Linguini was outside in the backyard of Gusteau's. He sat Remy down and gave him a handkerchief full of food. " There little chef, you did good work." he pat his head and wanted to go back in as a little girl stood in front of him and smiled. She was 6 years old and Alfredo knew well who she was. She was wearing little cookpants and a white cookshirt. Her brown hair bound together. " Sandy. You surprise me everytime I go out." Alfredo said and ruffled her hair. Sandy Marie was the daughter of the current Chef of Gusteau's. Skinner. The little stern looking cook had noone to look after her and so he brought her every day to work. Normally she was in his office drawing a bit or playing with some toys. But she loved to play in the kitchen and looked at how they cooked and served the meals. She grabbed Alfredo's pants and said: " You feed Remy?" she asked. She knew about Remy but promised Linguini not to tell anyone or they would take him away. He nodded. " Yes. So we let him eat." Skinner came out of his office and went to his girl. " Sandy. Daddy said he wants you to be in the office." He then looked at Linguini. " Linguini, telling her fairy tales again?" In fact he loved to tell Sandy sometimes a little story he invented for her." No, sir. Just taking a break." Skinner grabbed his daughter's arms and went inside with her. He placed her on a blanket which was on the floor filled with teddybears and cubes. " Now you will be a good girl and play. Daddy is going to make something to eat for you." he smiled and went out. Sandy sighed. She played for a while with her teddies.

Meanwhile Skinner ordered Horst to prepare something for him and his daughter. Horst nodded and went on. After a while it was done and he took two plates inside the office. He smiled as he saw his daughter playing. He ruffled her hair. " Now. Time to eat my little cook." Sandy stood up and reached her hands out. Skinner sat down on the office chair and sat her on his lap. She looked at the food. " What is that?" she asked and pointed at the plates. Skinner took a plastic spoon and took the little plate with the carots and the meat. " It's your meal. Baby carrots and meat." She frowned and pointed at her daddy's plate. " What is that?" Skinner smiled and answered: " It's papa's meal. Chips and some Fish. Now open your mouth." Sandy looked at the spoon and then at her daddy's plate again. She pointed at it. " Want that!" Skinner chuckled. " No baby. That's nothing for you. here eat your baby carrots." he held the spoon to her mouth. She pushed her father's hand gentle away. " No! That!" she pointed again at the plate. " Papa said no." Skinner replied. " Now be good and open your mouth." Sandy looked again at the spoon and turned her head away. " No! No baby carrots!" she pouted. Skinner sighed and held her. " Now..you won't make a big thing out of this!" Sandy wanted to turn away but her papa held her. Then she began getting grumpy and struggled with her feet and pushed her father's hand away. He raised his voice. " Sandy Marie Skinner. You will eat now or papa is going to get angry!" Sandy just ignored his warnings and looked at him. " NOOO!" she shouted and trew the spoon on the floor.

Skinner had now enough and said: " Enough is enough young lady!" he undid her bottoms of her pants and took her in his arms. Sandy held him and howled: " NOOOO..Me just wants your fooood!" Skinner stripped her pants down revealing her little panties with the kittens on it. Sandy blushed a bit and said:"No pannies down! Nooo!" her father grabbed the waistband of her panties and stripped them down to her ankles to the pants. Before she could cover her bare bottom, Skinner laid her over his lap and laid his left hand on her back, holding her down and tight. Sandy struggeled now and whimpered: " Ah no! Ah no!" Skinner raised his palm and said: " Naughty little cooks who don't obey their papa will get their naughty bottom spanked!" SPANK SPANK SPANK! Like a reflex his little daughter kicked with her legs and her arms. SPANK SPANK SPANK! Some handprints were visible on the chubby round bottom."Waahaa no 'panky 'panky!" she howled trying to cover her bottom. But she couldn't reach her unprotected bummy. " Oh oui!" Skinner said sternlooking,"A good spanking on little Sandy's naughty SPANK SPANK bare SPANK SPANK bottom!" She cried out loud and rubbed her eyes. Tears running down her blushing cheeks. Her feet kicked as if they could get her away. " There will help no kicking SPANK SPANK and no struggeling SPANK SPANK. You seek it SPANK SPANK young lady!" With every word Skinner's hard palm turned his daughter's sitspots red.

Alfredo, Colette and Horst turned arround. They heard the howling, scolding and smacking out of their chef's office. Horst smiled. It seemed that his chef was cooking some special hot odeuvre. Colette sighed. She just hoped that Skinner wasn't too hard to her and continued her work. Alfredo looked rather sad. He knew that the little cook was getting spanked and he didn't like her hear crying. " Poor girl." he mumbled and continued to wash some plates.

Inside the office the spanking was comming to an end. Sandy's sitspots were tomato red and she was bawling her lungs out. " Waahaaaaha pleeez no more, no more!" she pleaded. Skinner asked: " Did you SPANK SPANK learn your lesson? SPANK SPANK Will my little SPANK SPANK chef now eat his plate without SPANK SPANK trowing a tantrum?" Sandy nodded wildly and sniffed: " Yes Papaaaa..." Skinner stopped and hugged his sobbing daughter. " There...that's daddy's good little chef." She hugged him and sobbed: " Baaawww Sandy sorry...no more tantrum. Me will eat now."Skinner smiled happily and rubbed her back. " It's okay baby girl. You're forgiven." he dressed her and sat her gently on his lap. She whimpered a bit and sniffed but opened her mouth as the plastic spoon howered in sight. Skinner smiled and kissed her. " Good girl. Daddy loves his little chef." Sandy rubbed her eyes and smiled. She snuggled close to her papa and said: " I love you too papa."
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